As I sit drinking my coffee on the last morning of 2014, my mind is flooded with the happenings of the past year. Chase and I have continued to grow in our marriage, painfully at times, but that’s all a part of God’s process. We sharpen each other’s sword and push one another to be a better person on a daily basis, which I am so thankful for. Kellen transitioned from an active infant to a running, screaming toddler with no fear. Every day he explores new things and I swear gives me a few more gray hairs! Parenting has proven to be a one-of-a-kind job and some days we hardly come out alive. Thankfully. we have God’s grace to cover us in our not-so-perfect moments. As a whole, our life hasn’t changed too much this past year, but God has been working on changing me tremendously.
After having Kellen in September 2013, I felt lost and an internal battle began. I have always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but once that day came, it just didn’t feel right. I still work about one day a week as a Registered Nurse and don’t get me wrong I love getting to be home with Kellen the rest of the time, but there is still a longing in my heart for more. More what, you might ask? To be honest I’m not quite sure, which is why I’m clinging onto Jeremiah 29:11 which says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” How amazing is our God that he knows the words we’ll say or the steps we’ll take before we do? In the past I have been prone to worry and needed to have all things scheduled. Now, I’m resting in the comfort that God already has a beautiful purpose for my life and all I need to do is be faithful and trust in HIS timing. Although, I don’t quite know what my “more” or full purpose is, I have felt some strong pulls on my heart which that have led me to my many goals for the new year, one of which is this blog. Some of you know that I started my journey as a Beachbody coach in May to lose the last bit of baby weight, but to my surprise, coaching has bloomed into much more than that. I have had numerous people say they find my honesty about life inspiring, which I am both honored and humbled by. The ironic part is, I have never been so inspired and fulfilled in my life then when I’ve been able to help someone start their fitness journey, watched my coaches reach their goals or encouraged someone to turn their heart towards God. With that being said, it is my hope that in 2015, I can help even more people live faith-filled, healthy lives!